Quitting Smoking…What Is Stopping You from Taking Action.

Hi Future Non Smoker

Every human being in some area of their life struggles with taking the action they know they need to take to solve a problem. The rare individuals who claim self-mastery are probably just lying to themselves.

How often do we hear of leaders or captains of industry who seem to have it all but struggle with their weight or alcohol or in their relationships.

Quitting smoking is firstly about deciding what is really most important to you. Sure you might like it, but if the consequences are clear then it’s not worth the pleasure you gain. However you might decide that the pleasure outweighs the risks and that is your choice.

All through the process you will be faced with choices, to quit or not, to fully commit or just have a go, to follow through with the given strategies, or hope for the best, or to approach your hypnosis session with a sense of expectation of success or a sense of doubt.

All of these choices will affect the outcome for you. Another choice is allowing the fear of being without cigarettes stop you from quitting, or the fear of failure stops you from making a strong attempt, or even the fear of hypnosis from allowing you to experience this valuable tool for positive change.

The common factor in all the things that are stopping you from quitting is fear, apart from a total disregard for your health, or just plain stupidity. Now I know you are not stupid, or you don’t care for yourself, so we are left with fear.

The good news is that your fears can be eroded a bit at a time. For example picking up the phone to have a conversation with a hypnotist is just a tiny step. Lets say that you develop some good report with your therapist and your confidence increases, then you have chipped away at some more fear.

You book your appointment which might be scary but it’s in the future so you can delay that fear. In the meantime you wil receive some information which is designed to make you think about your habit and is sure to bust some myths about quitting, so that your confidence increases and your belief in yourself is given a boost.

So that by the time you arrive for your appointment your fear may only be half of what it was if you were still worrying about quitting and seeing it as all too hard.

Your hypnotist should be an expert at relaxing you and distracting you so that you can feel calm and then you will just enjoy the process. It’s just one bite at a time, so make the call and start to bust your fear now.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, or Buderim on the Sunshine Coast

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Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.