Quitting Smoking…Why a Tiny Bacteria Matters

Hi Future Non-Smoker

A long long time ago a tiny bacteria entered the human body and took up long term residence in every one of our cells. We now call them mitochondria, and they are the engines of our energy production.

They still have their own DNA and are seen as predictors of our lifespan. An average 70 year old has only half the mitochondria of a 35 year old, and this explains why we have less horsepower as we age.

This is the average, but at 83 my father had my cardio capacity than most 35 year olds. He cared for his diet, he cycled every day and importantly he never smoked.

The mitochondria are a direct target for environmental toxins and cigarette is a directly introduced toxin with a perfect delivery system.

Even though every cell is affected some will be targeted more than others, such as those in your heart cells and cells in your arteries.

For you as a smoker it means you will age much faster than you normally would. Along the way you will generate much less energy and other cells such as those involved with your immune system.

In short you will feel tired, you will get sick more often and you will have less ability to heal when unwell.

It’s hard to think about things as small as mitochondria, and understand how they can make so much difference in our lives.

Imagine you go to the beach and you see hundreds of jellyfish slowly swimming by in the clear clean water.

Now imagine the water is still and murky, made toxic by pollution. The jellyfish will become slow and many will wash up dead on the shore.

Now think of your mitochondria as those jellyfish. But if you remove the pollution those surviving jellyfish will come back to health and move freely.

This whole sorry tale about these ancient bacteria doesn’t have to be your story; you can quit smoking even if you believe you can’t. It’s possible; it’s do-able with the right help and your commitment.

The harsh reality is every year older you are, when you quit smoking your mitochondria will have a harder time bouncing back. But if you don’t quit then you really can’t expect to be very active in your old age.

And you really will need at least enough energy to carry your oxygen bottle with you, unless you can attach it to your wheel chair! Not very friendly but true none the less.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, or Buderim on the Sunshine

For your Free online 30 day Energy & Wellness Challenge click here roadmaptovibranthealth.com


Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.