Quitting Smoking…Success Belief & Compliance.

Hi Future Non Smoker
Recently I spoke to a client a few days after I worked with him for both smoking and alcohol. He was smoking an average of 45 roll your own per day, and drinking 10-20 beers each evening. I had helped him 5 years ago but his work situation had led him into his old ways.

On my follow up call I was prepared to do more work, but he said that he was doing just fine, and has remained that way. I told him to give himself a big pat on the back and to be proud of his efforts.

During that conversation he gave me a few clues to his great success.
1. He said he completely believed that he would succeed. Obviously because of his past history he knew that hypnosis was the right thing for him. I realise that if you have had no exposure to hypnosis, and if you don’t know anyone who has succeeded with hypnosis, then belief can be hard for you.
If you have been hypnotised before then tap into that belief, and if a friend used hypnosis to quit smoking, or to solve any problem then you can also tap into that belief. If not then you can go online and search for people who have had success and borrow their belief.

The other option is to speak at length with your consulting hypnotherapist prior to your session, and only proceed if they have filled you with confidence, about the process and the outcome.

2. He told me he did all of the things I told him to do after the session. I always give some simple homework to support the session, and to further embed the non-smoking suggestions.
I know that from long experience, if a person tells me they had problems, when I ask if they did the homework as instructed, they sheepishly admit they didn’t. A common theme with the small numbers who struggle is that they give in to the struggle, then they smoke for a while, and then later they regret their actions and do the homework.
Unfortunately the homework is designed to support the programme and not to restart it. The good news is that all you have to do to ensure your susses is to fully engage with the hypnotic process and to do your homework as advised. If you do these things your chance of successfully quitting smoking is very high.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.
You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, or from anywhere using Skype

Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.