Quit Smoking…What Do You Really Want?

Hi soon to be non smoker

It is frequently said that in order to get what we want, you first have to know exactly what it is we  want.

It is common for a smoker to have an internal conflict. They may say, I like smoking, or smoking relaxes me, or smoking keeps me slim, or it helps me think, or solves boredom, then go on to say they want to quit .

The question is, how much heart, do they have in their wish to quit. It often seems like something that is being forced on them, by friends, family doctors or even by their own fear.

A vague or confused goal cannot be reached; it’s like using a map with only the start marked and a question mark for the destination.

There is an even more important, what do you want question to ask. It’s what you want for yourself after you quit smoking.

Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to reduce your risk of cancer? Do you want to save your life? Do you want to feel good about yourself? To solve a big problem? Or to have a better life. Do you want others to stop worrying about you, or to stop them from nagging you.

Perhaps you want to take control of your life and smoking is undermining your progress, after all it can be perceived as a weakness.

Maybe you want to build a stronger confidence or happiness at a deep level.

It could be you just want to feel a deep satisfaction in your very core. Is it that you like the feeling of setting and achieving a goal.

Perhaps it’s about transforming your fear into confidence or triumph. Transform doubt to success. Or letting go of hurt and pain and embracing happiness.

Asking what you want seems like a simple question, but I’m, sure by now you can see it is actually a question which requires some deep thought. If you give the first answer that comes to mind you run the risk of not creating a feeling of commitment., and entering into the process in a half hearted manner.

However if you dig deep, and be totally honest with yourself then you will find an answer which will not only motivate you, but drive you on to overcome any obstacle which you may encounter. This information will be used to great affect within your personalised hypnosis session.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia. For full details click here.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, or from anywhere using Skype


Ian Newton


About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.