Stop Smoking

Hi soon to be non smoker

I wonder how many times you have been told to stop smoking. By friends, family or medical people. It sounds so simple, yet I assume that because you are reading this it hasn’t been as simple as you would like.

You use patches and yet you still smoke, perhaps feeling a little less confident, in spite of using patches, gum or sprays which are best served to kill insects.

Maybe you have tried the popular mind bending pharmaceuticals and were left wondering how they could even sell such a product.

Struggled with your willpower, maybe you even believed or were told you were weak. But that it not the case.

So you stop smoking on Monday and feel grumpy for a few days and then seek out a smoke like a heat seeking missile and then feel angry with yourself after the first few puffs.

After a while and a few failed attempts the very words “stop smoking” cause you to feel dejected and you start to wonder if you will ever be free of those dangerous smokes.

So go ahead and put those thoughts to the side, imagine they are just attached to a cloud and they drift away to the horizon and never return.

Now realise there is a solution, hypnosis is recognised by the leading scientific journals to be the most effective way to quit smoking.

There is nothing to fear from hypnosis, you cannot not have your mind controlled, you cannot be made to do anything that you don’t want to do. However if you want to quit smoking then you can be helped to do so quickly and effectively.

Hypnosis is not just a complementary therapy; it is a standalone therapy that achieves great results across a wide variety or issues and health problems.

The results do vary as with any therapy. Some walk away from a single session and never think about smoking ever again. Some people need some support in the first few days and a few need two or three sessions and a little strength to succeed.

Having worked with over 2,000 clients I firmly believe that everyone can quit as long as they really want to. That is the key. Stop smoking for yourself, not to please anyone else.

It doesn’t matter what the reason is, whether it be a price rise, the inconvenience, health issues, or just the worry on the face of your children. It is personal to you, but the reason needs the power to make you take action, and follow through.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia. For full details go to

You can quit with me Brisbane or Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, or from anywhere using Skype



Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.