6 Important Points For Selecting A Quit Smoking Therapist

Hi Future Non Smoker

  1. Ensure your therapist is working with hypnosis. Even according to new scientist magazine hypnosis is by far the most successful way to quit. Because you are working with your unconscious mind, all of your inner strength and resources can be unleashed and used to support your change.

Hypnosis doesn’t involve willpower or sticking patches with toxic chemicals on your body, nor does it rely on powerful chemicals which are more likely to do more harm than good.

  1. Ask your therapist if they specialise in helping people to stop cigarettes. Hypnosis can be used for many things, but do you want a jack of all trades or a master of quit smoking?
  2. Does your practitioner have the confidence to help you quit in one session or like some do they want you to quit over a course of sessions, sometimes as many as six. At some point you have to finally quit so it might as well be in your first session, rather than drag it out. I believe it has to do with the belief system and confidence of the practitioner, or they just want you to pay more.
  3. Question if the fee is too cheap. Of course we all want a good price, but what we really want is results. Cheap practitioners don’t stay in business very long. Over the years I have been in practice I’ve seen many budget practitioners come and go. Recently a man called me to book a quit session, I told him the price and he said the last time he quit he did it for a quarter of the price. Firstly the other hypnotist is not in business anymore, and secondly he had started smoking again.
  4. Are you offered a guarantee? I believe a period of 6 months is fair and reasonable. If they smoke again in that time they will get be supported. Beyond 6 months if a person starts again it’s because they choose to do so. A life time guarantee makes no sense and I wouldn’t believe it. Money back guarantees sound good, but psychologically it is setting you up to not caring if you fail.
  5. Call your practitioner and have a chat for a few minutes and only book your session if you feel connected to this person and they instill a sense of confidence in your ability to quit.

Always remember to commit yourself 100% to quitting and approach it as if your life depends on it, because just maybe it does!

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

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Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.