Quit Smoking… Could You Be 50% Healthier?

quit smoking 50% healthier

Hi Future Non Smoker

I wonder how much healthier you will be in 12 months if you quit smoking in the next week? Would you be 50% healthier or maybe more.

How about fitness, I will guess you will be 100% fitter in a year. Most smoker don’t exercise a lot because they think, what’s the point of going to the gym if I smoke. But one of the first things that happens when a person quits is that they start back at some favourite activity, like gym, running walking, surfing etc.

Another thing happens, often as people feel better, and are able to breathe easier, not only do they move more but they start making better dietary choices as well.

This chain of events is further boosted as many of the health problems they experience get better or disappear altogether.

Smoking has such a big impact on your wellbeing that so many systems are affected, because every one of your 34 Trillion cells has been exposed to the toxins in cigarettes. But they are a forgiving lot generally speaking and about one year after quitting you should be in quite good health.

Just look at some of the aging rock stars who have turned over a healthy new leaf, it is simply amazing how much recover the human body can make.

So just imagine it is one year from now. You have been a non-smoker for 365 days, you can breathe easily and deeply. You have been exercising regularly and feel strong and fit.

Many of your old symptoms had disappeared and you find yourself eating vegetables and salads and health meats and oils and nuts.

Your body would be virtually unrecognisable from the old model of a year ago. And I mean old model because you would have wound back your biological clock as much as 10 years.

Not only that but you would have saved enough money for a nice holiday and so you would be well rested as well.

And all of this would have happened because you made a decision, and you followed through with having your quit smoking hypnosis session.

Perhaps today is the right day for you to start all of those changes, maybe you have had enough of cigarettes and something inside tells you that this is the perfect time for you to quit and that you will be successful now.

So if you are sick of smoking then what are you going to do about it now.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

For your Free online 30 day Energy & Wellness Challenge click here roadmaptovibranthealth.com

Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.