Quit Smoking… Good Grief Another Price Rise.


Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking… Good Grief Another Price Rise.

Australian smokers pay about 400% more for a packet of cigarettes than in many states of the USA. And they know that each year the price will rise to $40. Of course a couple of years later the cost of smoking will naturally rise again.

The typical smoker I see as a client smokes one packet per day, which comes to an average of $150 a week depending on where they buy. All are aware of the weekly cost but few want to think about the long term.

$7500 per year or about $90,000 over the next ten years at least. This is a lot of money in anyone’s eyes. Don’t forget that money is after tax, you had to earn a lot more to take that home.

If this wasn’t bad enough it’s just the tip of the financial iceberg. The average smoker will experience at least ten years of poor health more than non-smokers. Plus of course the risk of a serious smoking related illness.

Not to mention the extra lost time through more colds and flus and respiratory problems. All of those extra doctors visits, all cost money. All of those days off work cost someone money. What about those who become disabled and unable to work.

So far this has all been about money, but how do you place a value on loss opportunities, not being active enough to enjoy your life, times missed with family because you are smoking outside or too tired to play with your children or grandchildren.

There is another cost that you may not have considered. After years of smoking and you have succumbed to heart disease, you may find that you go to the bottom of the surgical list. Simply because you are considered a bad risk and less deserving than a non-smoker.

You and your family may not agree with this, but it is a hard reality. Plus I have lost count of the number of clients who have been told they can’t have even basic surgeries until they quit cigarettes. Usually this surgery which would make their lives much better has been delayed for months.

As a smoker, you undergoing under a full anaesthetic means an unacceptable risk in a hospital.

All in all there is a huge cost, both financial, personal and health wise. If you think that sucking in toxic smoke is worth it then fair enough, but if you don’t then hypnosis is a fast reliable solution.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.