Quit Smoking….How To Reduce The Anxiety Of Quitting Cigarettes

quit smoking anxietyHi future Non Smoker

Quitting Smoking can be an anxious time for many people and there are a few reasons which can make it harder.

  1. The fear of the unknown. If you have smoked for a long time then you may be anxious  about how you will manage your stress or boredom or drinking sessions without a cigarette. This anxiety is because you are looking at the future without cigarettes from a smokers perspective. A non-smoker never has such concerns.


  1. You may be anxious about nicotine withdrawals. Just think about all the times you already go without cigarettes, such as overnight, or at work or on flights or around family, you know which apply to you, and realise that you can manage just fine already.


University studies show that nicotine replacement doesn’t work outside of control groups, and the reason is that smoking is mostly a series of deeply embedded habits and not some serious brain affected drug condition. After all have you ever heard of anyone having to go into rehab to quit smoking?


At a large construction site the company gave out free nicotine patches to all the smokers. Not one of them quit successfully. The reason I know this is that one of them came to see me, and then a few of his co-workers.


  1. You may have heard stories about how hard it is to quit, even stupid government advertising implies you will have to try many times. Don’t listen to any of this, they may have tried patches, or cold turkey or the commonly prescribed pharmaceutical which has a long list of side effects, yet still has only a low success rate. Or maybe you have listened to smokers who didn’t really want to quit.

To succeed you need to make a firm decision to do so. Do not wait for the right time or you will still be smoking this time next year. Then book an hypnosis appointment and ensure there is a focus on your needs, e.g. if you suffer anxiety, or are under a lot of stress or concerned about weight gain, then the session needs to be tailored to your exact needs.

The beauty of a one on one hypnosis session is that it can easily be structured to meet your unique needs, which includes feeding back to you during the session the exact words you have used to describe how smoking makes you feel, and also any ways you feel it is holding back your life.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Buderim on the Sunshine Coast $225 Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.