Quit Smoking… Is It Time To Be Honest With Yourself

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking… Is It Time To Be Honest With yourself

You know that you need to quit smoking, in fact you know you should have quit a long time ago. There is no grey area with smoking, there is no doubt about the consequences and there is absolutely no question as to what your future holds for you if you don’t quit.

So why are you still smoking? Too hard to quit? Afraid to quit or maybe you just like smoking. You might want to smoke but you don’t need to smoke and there is a big difference.

On one hand you may have struggled in the past, or have heard lots of stories from others but on the other hand millions of people around the world have quit.

Those millions live perfectly well without cigarettes, in fact there lives are better by any measurement, so why wouldn’t you like to like to join their ranks.

If you really want to quit but are still smoking then I’m guessing that you are not being honest with yourself. You might be making all the right noises, buying nicotine patches or are taking some pharmaceutical, making promises but if you are still smoking then you are just fooling yourself

Don’t worry this is natural for many people, they say they want one thing but they do something else. Consciously you know you want to quit, so what if you like it, the message is loud and clear, don’t smoke!

But you struggle with yourself, even to arrive at a solid decision to quit. You might be going back and forth, wanting to quit then worrying if you will be successful, or wondering how you will manage without cigarettes.

These thoughts go around and around in your mind, it’s a battle between the conscious and unconscious mind, one wants one thing and the other is trying to avoid change at all costs. In most cases the unconscious mind will win, simply because it is very persistent, fact it is like a steamroller it will just keep at you until it wins.

So the tricky part is making the decision to quit consciously, then quickly booking your hypnosis appointment as quickly as possible before your unconscious prevents you from taking action. One you are booked in then you can relax.

Once you attend your session then your resistance will fall away, and the hypnosis process will win your unconscious mind over to the new thinking of being a non-smoker quickly and without the previous stress and anxiety.


To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, Sought Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.