Quit Smoking Marijuana And Come Alive Again

stop smoking marijuana

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking Marijuana And Come Alive Again

Some of my quit smoking clients also want to quit smoking marijuana as well, or some have quit cigarettes but now want to be free of pot as well.

Most of these people are in their thirties and many of them tell me the same thing. That they never thought they would be adult smokers. They thought that marijuana was a thing to do in their youth and into their early twenties.

But as they settled down with a family they would naturally stop doing it. But for some reason it’s not the case, they keep smoking but don’t enjoy it as much.

The remember the early days of smoking pot, it all seemed so much fun, but now it just seems to make them tired.

One client said it seemed as if marijuana was sucking the life out of her body. But it was a habit which was so ingrained into her life that she couldn’t seem to live without it.

If you want to quit smoking pot then you need to identify what benefits you feel you get from it. Plus what are your triggers for smoking. When do you do it, where are you at the time. Do you have a fixed routine or is your smoking completely random.

All habits have a trigger, an action and a reward. Part of the solution is noticing all of these. E.g. certain friends come around, this is your trigger, you smoke marijuana, this is the action, and you enjoy the relaxed mellow feeling, this is the reward.

Or you put the children to bed, the trigger, you smoke, this is the action and you feel relaxed and calm, the reward.

In many cases the triggers will remain but you need to do something else other than smoke and then notice the reward and focus on it.

The second part of the quitting process is using hypnosis to make the whole process much easier. This will help release your connections to smoking and to separate you from your old triggers. Hypnosis will work with your exact triggers and reasons for smoking pot and even address the exact places you smoke.

In addition your new desired feelings will be introduced during hypnosis, making it much easier for you to create new actions and new rewards.

Between the conscious process of creating new habits and the hypnosis you will be able to create a drug free life for yourself.

To quit smoking marijuana the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, Sought Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.