Quit Smoking Marijuana…Open the Curtain On Your Life

stop smoking marijuana

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking Marijuana…Open the Curtain On Your Life

When a middle aged man quit marijuana using hypnosis he described it as pulling back the curtain and seeing life properly for the first time in many years. Obviously pot is a popular social drug but for some the gloss wears off and all that is left is a habit which takes them away from a happy life.

One women told me her life had closed down. Smoking every evening she didn’t feel like going out and doing normal fun things like the movies or going to a restaurant.

She avoided staying at anyone else’s home and worried about being caught smoking while on holidays. Travel always involved extra risk of buying from unfamiliar people.

She was just sick and tired of smoking but felt trapped in the loop of smoking to relax and reduce stress but felt increasingly stressed about the effect it was having on her life and her health.

There was nothing cool about smoking anymore, she just felt like she was over it, except like so many bad habits humans have she kept doing it in spite of her wishes.

This is where hypnosis was so helpful. Consciously she wanted to quit, but her unconscious was locked in an old framework, back to the days when she did enjoy it, when her friends smoked and they laughed about getting the munchies and she felt pretty cool.

These memories were still alive in her unconscious mind, plus all the times she used pot to escape from her feelings and stresses.

Hypnosis goes to the heart of the problem and quickly helps you to let go of the past beliefs and introduce the new helpful beliefs and strategies which allowed her to stop smoking marijuana and recover her life.

In addition to hypnosis experience shows that some other strategies need to be used as well. One thing that upsets new positive habits more than anything else is a stressful event. So we need to develop ways to manage stress on a day to day basis so that if something big comes along then we have the emotional resilience to cope with it.

This applies to everybody but especially to anyone making a big change in their lives. Lastly creating a reward system. Small rewards for daily successes and perhaps a big reward for being free from pot for one year.

We all like rewards and given the cost of smoking you should be able to plan something great at the end of a year.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim or south bank Brisbane  or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.