Quit smoking… The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Quit Smoking This Christmas

Hi Future Non Smoker

It is now just a few days before Christmas 2015 and the stores are full of gifts and the spirit of receiving is in full bloom. Some gifts will be cherished, some politely received and some returned.

But there is however one gift that you could give yourself, the gift of quitting smoking. It’s a gift that you will benefit from for the rest of your life.

It may not the most fun or exciting or sexy gift, it may not provide hours of entertainment, but it may just be the most important gift you receive in your life.

It is not a gift someone can give you unless you really want it for yourself. There will be no wrapping involved just the unveiling of a new healthier you. It is of course the perfect gift for you to give yourself.

Most gifts de-value over time, but this gift will actually create cash for you. You will save several thousand dollars in the next year at the current cost of cigarettes in Australia. Plus potentially a small fortune in future medical bills.

What other gift could help you breathe easier in just a week or two, what other gift wrapped under the Christmas tree could help your red cells to transport oxygen better and give you more energy.

What other gift could possibly reduce your risk of getting cancer so dramatically. Quitting smoking is so much more than a gift. Words can barely describe the amazing benefits you will receive and it’s difficult to put a dollar value on quitting.

Whatever the sum it would be a very big number of dollars. So big that it would be a powerful motivator for quitting. Many smokers say that it’s not about the money, but they refer to the $100 plus dollars they spend each week.

Not the $60, 000 plus you will spend in the next ten years. The medical costs are beyond calculating but a serious cancer can easily result in a three month stay in an oncology ward.

So this Christmas the greatest gift of all to you will be picking up your phone and calling to book a quit smoking hypnosis session. The relief will flow well beyond you, it will filter out to all of those close to you.

So in fact your gift to you will be a gift to all of your loved ones. Now that’s a gift worth giving and you won’t find it in a cheesy gift brochure.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, South bank Brisbane  or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

Or Click Here To Quit Smoking Cigarettes Online

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.