Quit Smoking… What Is Your Identity

quit smoking identityHi future Non Smoker

How you perceive yourself and the words you use to describe yourself could be critical to your quit smoking success.

Most smokers would say “I am a smoker” this implies that they clearly identify as a smoker. Unconsciously that means that quitting will be harder because in order to do so means creating a new identify.

The breakdown is even more complex. A smoker might say that I smoke to relieve stress, or they smoke to relax, or I smoke when I am bored etc. These are all mini identities, but they can all be changed.

I find most smokers, by the time they come in for their hypnosis session have already let go of some of these identities. Most realise that they are not addicted, because they know they can go without smoking at times, or they realise that cigarettes just make them more anxious, not less.

These realisations help them let go of a part of their smoking identify. The next step before your session is you change your language from that of being a smoke, to being a person who smokes.

This may not sound important, but the difference between a smoker and being a person who smoke is vast. It is the difference between quitting and not quitting.

The next step is that during your session is to become a non-smoker. To make a clear decision to be a non-smoker is critical. Not to finish your session and say something like, “I hope it works or, let’s see how it goes”.

This is the language of someone who entered the process as a clearly identifying smoker. In other words there was a lack of full commitment, and perhaps an attitude of wanting the therapist to fix your smoking problem.

If you have read this much I believe that you understand the importance of letting go of your old smoking identity. But also it’s about creating the belief that you can change. It is very difficult to achieve anything in life if we don’t believe we can do it.

If you don’t believe you can quit then you need to take some series steps to shift to belief. The crazy thing is, the shift is nothing more than a decision and a commitment to your health and your future. Once decided you can now make your identity change with the backup of your new belief in yourself, now you are ready for hypnosis to help you make the final shift.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

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Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.