Quit Smoking…$40 Per Packet!

 Quit smoking

Quit smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker

In Australia one of our brilliant political parties is floating the idea of raising the price of a packet of cigarettes to $40 per packet. In the same breath they claim this will raise a fortune in extra taxes.

I thought our caring governments were interested in helping people quit cigarettes, but it seems it is just a cynical grab for cash. After all most non-smokers would think it’s a good idea and it’s bad luck for smokers, so they should just suck it up.

There are already services available to help people quit, so there won’t be any more services available. Of course this price rise will affect the most financially disadvantaged smokers.

Sure it may force some more to quit, but it’s a lousy way to do it. Many people will be spending over $250 per week on cigarettes and there will be a lot of suffering caused by this price rise. There are enough people on the financial edge already, this stupid suggested price rise will just push more over.

Many have tried the obvious ways of numbing their brains with pharmaceuticals or placing toxic patches on their skin with little result. If cold turkey was a solution then many smokers would have already quit.

Hypnosis has long been recognised as the most successful way to quit, because it helps you break the habit cycle at a deep level. It also addresses your exact smoking triggers and even your favourite locations and times to light up.

It doesn’t attempt to change the way your brain works, there is nothing wrong with you except you have a strong habit which seems to run your life.

It doesn’t even fill your body with more of the toxic chemicals which have been a problem all along.

It doesn’t try to scare you with nasty images and statistics about sickness and death.

Hypnosis just gently changes the old beliefs you have held for so long.

So perhaps it’s time to quit for yourself, but if that isn’t a good enough reason then quit just to stop the government from profiting from, from screwing you down finically, you can play a part in ruining their pathetic grab for your cash without giving your wellbeing the slightest thought.

Get angry, get serious about quitting, get fired up about sticking it to the man, they have been applying the financial screws to you for years and still so many keep smoking.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Budurim on the Sunshine Coast, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.