Quit Smoking…Are You An Abstainer Or A Moderator

quit smoking habits

Hi Future Non Smoker

It is said in the area of creating new habits that there are two kinds of people.

  1. Moderators are the sort of people who can cut down and reduce their negative habits over time.
  2. Abstainers tend to be all or nothing. There is no cutting down, if you try you will experience a lot of stress and you will most likely fail.

You know yourself better than anyone else what kind of person you are so it’s important not to fool yourself. Cutting down smoking is always just a path to being a non-smoker, I’m sure you’re aware that there is no safe level of smoking.

As a moderator it is best to create a fixed schedule which takes you from where you are now to being a non-smoker. This schedule needs to be specific and contain dates for each shift down in smoking levels.

Hopefully this will work for you but be aware of hiccups along the way during stressful times or when around alcohol or heavy smokers. If cutting down fails you then you may have to bite the bullet and become an abstainer.

There will be places in your life where you have identified your type. Chocolate is a good example. My wife can have a couple of squares and a bar would last well over a week.

If I sit down to watch television then I just take the whole bar with me to the couch, and I will keep grazing until either I gather the strength to take it back to the refrigerator or more likely when my wife takes it away.

In my experience there is one best way to quit smoking. You just stop and never look back. Hypnosis is the easiest way to do this it takes the stress out of the process and gives you a high chance of success.

Don’t wait for the perfect time, it doesn’t exist. Don’t over think the process, it isn’t necessary, just book , show up, and then fully participate, the only other thing is that you truly want to quit and that you are committed to your well being and your future life.

Hypnosis removes the stress and the inner battle most people experience when quitting with either cold turkey or when using pharmaceuticals.

My advice is that whether you are an abstainer or a modulator your best and fastest way to quit is to embrace hypnosis.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Budurim on the Sunshine Coast, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.