Quit Smoking…Are You The Pig Or The Chicken

Hi Future Non Smoker

There’s and old joke that in the meal of bacon and eggs, the chicken was interested and the pig was committed, for obvious reasons.

Here’s the problem with being interested in quitting smoking or in anything in life, it is unlikely that there will be any result or tangible outcome.

To me as a therapist when I hear someone say they are interested in making some important change, then they are either not ready to commit or they don’t want to change, but are too polite or afraid to say so!

In psychotherapy there are 6 recognised stages of change.

  1. Pre-contemplative- knowing you should stop smoking, and probably sick of being nagged about it, but not ready to commit to action.
  2. Contemplative, you know you should do something, but you keep burying your head in the sand.
  3. Preparing- booking your hypnosis session and following any pre-session requests.
  4. Action- Your hypnosis session, playing full out, expecting the best and quitting, not trying.
  5. Maintaining. Following all after session advice your therapist gives you.
  6. Termination. Live your life as a non-smoker, no if, buts or maybes.

I’m sure you can see where you are, it’s good to see these levels, but it’s also easy to get bogged down in levels 1-3 and postpone the action phase for too long. Smoking is such a problem for your health that you cannot, allow another year to pass before you quit.

You can fast tract the first 3 stages by booking an appointment for your hypnosis at a time no more than 4 weeks in advance. If you make it too far in advance you won’t feel any need to start to prepare.

Confirm your decision daily and tell supportive people only of what you are going to do. Plus

Steps 5 & 6 are simply using the after hypnosis session instructions you are given by your therapist, plus affirming daily that you are a non-smoker for at least one month, and noticing the benefits.

So as a non-smoker you are the pig, you are the committed one, with a long healthy future to look forward to. But the chicken is just an ex-smoker at best, just waiting for an excuse to use to start smoking again. The chicken blames the world, their job, family friends or the government for their problems.

It’s not their fault, they couldn’t help it. That’s being a chicken in more ways than one.

Click here to get started on your free fat burning vibrant health programme

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

Wishing you Vibrant health and happiness

Ian Newton ND & Dr Susan Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.