Quit Smoking…Change Your Brain & Your Body

Hi Future Non Smoker

As a smoker I’m sure you have heard over and over about the effects on your lungs and the risks of various nasty cancers, but have you spared a thought for your brain?

Many smokers have told me that smoking helps them to think, or at least to concentrate. And while this may seem the case non-smokers have the same challenges and successes with thinking. What actually helps is the time taken to just stop and think, and anyone can do this.

Smoking however does affect your brain in x ways.

  1. Of the 2000 plus chemicals which are introduced to your body by smoking about 200 of those can cross into your brain. With clients I jokingly mention that these chemicals are unlikely to improve thinking.
  2. Each of these 200 chemicals will attempt to enter your brain cells, as they do they will blend with the natural fatty layer of each cell and create a small disruption, which will slowly build over time, preventing you from thinking as well as you could as a non-smoker. I have had people protest that they think all right, but how would any smoker know, unless they could compare themselves with an identical twin who never smoked.
  3. When you smoke you rob your cells of oxygen, this means you have reduced mental energy for thinking and for life in general.
  4. In recent years it has been discovered that both healthy and unhealthy bacteria from your gut can migrate to your brain. Scientists are now referring to both depression and autism as illnesses of the gut. Smoking disrupts the healthy gut bacteria creating more bad bacteria which will travel to your brain.
  5. Smoking affects all your blood vessels and the linings. This importantly includes the arteries running from your heart to your brain and of course every blood vessel in your brain. The endothelial lining is upset for around 4 hours by a single cigarette and the oxidation caused by it.

As we age the risks of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia rise dramatically, so why, would you want to increase the risk of any kind of brain disease. I’m sure you don’t want to, especially if you have ever seen the effects of these diseases up close and personal.

To reverse the risks the first and most obvious thing to do is to quit smoking, then improve your diet and get some exercise daily. Just be kind to your brain you may need it for awhile yet.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, or Buderim on the Sunshine Coast

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Ian Newton


About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.