Quit Smoking…Decisions Choices and Habits

quit smoking habits


Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking…Decisions Choices and Habits

When you first started smoking no matter how it happened there were three steps involved. Perhaps you were hanging out after school with the cool kids and one of them offered you a smoke.

In that instant you made a decision, not wanting to be uncool the decision was probably fairly easy. The next time a cigarette was offered you made a choice to smoke or not. After that every time you smoked you made a choice to light up, until smoking became a habit.

Choices are the realm of the conscious mind; you are still in the phase of having to make a mental effort to do it.

But once this message is taken up into your unconscious mind then it becomes a habit. As time goes on the habit is more deeply ingrained until it becomes an automatic action. This progression from decision to choice to habit is how all habits are formed.

Even not doing things are habits. E.g. You want to walk each morning, if your decision to walk is over ruled by the desire to sleep in, and you choose to keep sleeping in each day, then soon this is the habit and walking requires a lot of effort to become your default action.

The point of all this is to make it clear just how entrenched habits can be, and how difficult it can be to break a habit, such as smoking by just making a decision not to.

It is possible to quit by strongly making the right choices for a few weeks until your new non-smoking habit is formed. But as any smoker can tell you this is not easy and the success rate is low.

This is also why methods such as drugs and nicotine replacement also have a poor success rate, some may quit for a while but the old habit is still lurking below the surface and generally re-surfaces during times of emotional upset.

There is only one successful way to break this habit for good, and that is hypnosis. Because it goes straight to your unconscious and releases the old entrenched beliefs allowing your new habit of being a non-smoker to quickly settle in, in the place of the old smoking habit.

The best part of hypnosis is that it is easy and painless and all it requires is that you are fully committed to your health and your future. Anything less than a full commitment is likely to fail.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Budurim on the Sunshine Coast, for just $150 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.