Quit Smoking…Does Your Religion help You Or Hinder You

Hi Future Non Smoker

Every smoker who wants to quit cigarettes brings their belief system with them to the hypnosis session. This includes your religious beliefs.

There are two schools of thought I have encountered.

  1. The mind is God’s domain and hypnosis is verging on an evil intrusion. However I have seen some Christian hypnosis being offered which I assume somehow bi-passes the whole evil thing.

2. The second belief uses religious belief to help the person to quit smoking. These thoughts belong to the person and are not suggested by the practitioner unless my client raises the subject.

They see the session as a form of concentrated prayer and feel comfortable and confident with hypnosis.

The important point is that you as a smoker can use your beliefs to help you to quit and if you have strong religious beliefs you obviously have faith in a higher power so why not use your faith to help you to give up smoking.

I don’t see hypnosis as spiritual or supernatural. To me it is an elegant way of accessing that part of us which makes the real important decisions and it empowers us to make significant change without the expected stress.

An important point that is useful for everyone to remember is that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis and requires the full consent and co-operation of the person in the chair.

The crazy things you have seen on television that hypnosis victims do is a load of rubbish. You will not do anything that is outside of the bounds of your personal moral code.

Plus when you come in for your session you are giving permission only to help you to quit smoking and nothing more.

Beliefs are at the heart of quitting smoking. Beliefs that it will be hard to quit, or beliefs that you won’t manage your stress or boredom.

Beliefs that being a non smoker will mean losing or giving up an important part of your life.

The problem with beliefs is that we think that they are true, and then we seek more information to confirm these beliefs, such as gathering with other smokers and confirming how hard it is.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

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Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.