Quit Smoking…Great Legs Bad Luck About The Cigarettes

quit smoking

Hi Future Non smoker

When it comes to bad news from smoking there seems to be no end to the options available to you. But here’s one you mightn’t have considered.

If you’re a woman nice legs is generally desirable, if you’re a man maybe strong legs is the preference, but in either case having both of them is always very handy. Ask anyone who doesn’t.

Smoking affects your circulation and this links in with diabetes. The effects are gradual and progressive.

Cold feet, noticeable even in warm weather.

Weak pulses in the feet and legs.

Lack of hair growth on legs.

A decrease in blood pressure in the legs or feet.

Feet becoming blue or purple.

Leg ulcers which are notoriously difficult to heal

And the end result is amputation.

This isn’t an uncommon complication of smoking. Sure it can all happen to any diabetic, but cigarettes dramatically increase your chance of diabetes.

So do you have any history of diabetes in the family, or apart from smoking you have a poor diet and lack exercise you could be headed for a serious leg problem.

I’ve even seen people who have had one leg amputated continue to smoke and eventually lose the other leg. This sounds like insanity, but human beings are prone to doing stupid things.

Imagine what life would be like if you had a leg amputated, or even worse two. It’s one thing for a person to lose the use of their legs through an accident but how much regret would you experience if your amputations were the result of smoking, and your failure to quit.

Imagine the discomfort leading up to the surgery, the pain of the recovery period and even more pain in rehabilitation.

Then when you get home, every aspect of your life is disrupted. It’s not like you entered surgery as a fit strong individual. By the time it happens you have been a smoker for years and your health will have been declining as the diabetes took hold.

Plus being a smoking ensures you have poor wound healing, which was a part of the problem in the first place.

The point is not to scare you, but to motivate you, to take action, to quit smoking, to take back your health and allow your circulation to flow.

You may still have to deal with diabetes, but at least as a non-smoker, you will be stronger, your immune system is healthier which means your ability to heal is much better also.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on

1300 203 422 in Australia.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.