Quit Smoking…Habits Are Formed And Broken

quit smoking habits

Hi Future Non Smoker

You may not think that all the non-smokers out there have the habit of not smoking but there is some truth to it. Every smoker in the world who quit cigarettes has created the habit of not smoking.

And many non smokers at some time in their life rejected the choice to smoke, perhaps because of health reasons or they didn’t like the taste, but somewhere there they developed the habit of being a non smoker.

For this second group developing this habit would have happened quickly and easily, there may have been some peer pressure but they overcame that.

For the ex-smokers their transition to non-smoker was more difficult and required strength to break the old habit and create a new set of habits for managing their lives.

For some this was a struggle, some tried and failed several times, but for others this habit changed was achieved quickly and with little stress.

Any habit we have in our lives, good or bad has a cycle. There is a trigger, then an action then the reward or outcome.

You are bored, you act by lighting up a cigarette and then your reward is having something to do for a few minutes.

You can see this cycle in many aspects of smoking whether it be stress, relaxing, on the phone, driving with coffee alcohol or food etc. Your action is to smoke and then your reward or outcome is a change in how you feel.

Sometimes this cycle is unconscious, e.g. the phone rings and you automatically light up a cigarette. Most heavy smokers do this unconscious smoking many times each day.

The trick to quitting smoking is to create a new cycle, e.g. the phone rings, you do another action, anything other than smoking, and then you have an outcome. The new action needs to be one that can be used for every trigger, and it must produce a change for you quickly, so that you will accept this new habit.

Hypnosis is the perfect vehicle for installing new powerful habits. During hypnosis you can quickly and successfully take on new thoughts, beliefs and habits, permanently.

Cold turkey works for a small percentage of people, one problem is that but it is too much of a struggle trying to force this habit change consciously.

Another problem is that no new habit cycle is introduced. This leads to failure or to the introduction of new negative habits. The most common being over-eating.

I’m sure you know what to do next.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on

1300 203 422 in Australia.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.