Quit Smoking…Have you Ever Been Really Sick?

Hi Future Non Smoker

As I write this article I have had a stomach bug for 9 hours. It started at 3 am in the morning and I feel rubbish to say the least.

Nauseous, aching and exhausted it’s been a long day and unfortunately it’s not over yet. This got me thinking about what it would be like to be really sick, to be chronically ill with the prospect of being disabled or dead.

Its one thing having a stomach bug or a flu which you know will disappear in a few days of groaning and complaining and then back to normal.

But, have you ever seriously put aside the” it won’t happen to me thinking” and deeply consider what would happen if it did?

I know very well that scaring smokers with the health risks has limited value, and many just close down around such conversations.

What would your life look like if you were very sick? How would your day be affected if your breathing was difficult or your energy was low?

How would you manage your work or family if you were nauseous a lot of the time? What would you be thinking if you knew for certain that your health would continue to slide with no chance of recovery? How would that feel?

This article may seem to be taking a cheap shot at your emotions, but I don’t care, because if it causes one person to stop and consider their future and take action to quit smoking then it is just fine.

After all I’m not talking about some theoretical situation, it is the reality for thousands of people every day all over the world.

The only good news appears that obesity is now a bigger killer than smoking, some relief!

If you want to quit, if you are ready then you can do it, you can do it hard or easier that’s your choice, hypnosis is the easiest way. This doesn’t mean that you just sit back and have some therapist fix you.

You must be committed and be willing to fully participate in the process. Don’t turn up and say “I hope it works I’ll see how it goes” You need an attitude of I am quitting and there is no going back.

You cannot approach a major life change with the hope of success you must go in hard with a no back down approach and you will be successful

As I write this article I have had a stomach bug for 9 hours. It started at 3 am in the morning and I feel rubbish to say the least.

Nauseous, aching and exhausted it’s been a long day and unfortunately it’s not over yet. This got me thinking about what it would be like to be really sick, to be chronically ill with the prospect of being disabled or dead.

Its one thing having a stomach bug or a flu which you know will disappear in a few days of groaning and complaining and then back to normal.

But, have you ever seriously put aside the” it won’t happen to me thinking” and deeply consider what would happen if it did?

I know very well that scaring smokers with the health risks has limited value, and many just close down around such conversations.

What would your life look like if you were very sick? How would your day be affected if your breathing was difficult or your energy was low?

How would you manage your work or family if you were nauseous a lot of the time? What would you be thinking if you knew for certain that your health would continue to slide with no chance of recovery? How would that feel?

This article may seem to be taking a cheap shot at your emotions, but I don’t care, because if it causes one person to stop and consider their future and take action to quit smoking then it is just fine.

After all I’m not talking about some theoretical situation, it is the reality for thousands of people every day all over the world.

The only good news appears that obesity is now a bigger killer than smoking, some relief!

If you want to quit, if you are ready then you can do it, you can do it hard or easier that’s your choice, hypnosis is the easiest way. This doesn’t mean that you just sit back and have some therapist fix you.

You must be committed and be willing to fully participate in the process. Don’t turn up and say “I hope it works I’ll see how it goes” You need an attitude of I am quitting and there is no going back.

You cannot approach a major life change with the hope of success you must go in hard with a no back down approach and you will be successful

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.