Quit Smoking…How Superheros Can Help You

wonder-woman quit smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker.

One of the most viewed TED talks in history is Amy Cuddy talking about how standing like Wonder Woman can help you to feel more confident.

She is a psychologist who specialises in studying how human posture can affect our emotions and our wellbeing.

In short standing up straight with your hands on your hips and looking the world in the eye just like wonder woman or superman will reduce your stress hormones in just 2 minutes and boost testosterone which is the confidence hormone. This was confirmed in studies by measuring blood hormone levels at two minute intervals.

Something I noticed a long time ago in my clinic or in public presentations is that when people discuss wanting to quit smoking they most often adopt a posture that looks like defeat.

The shoulders are rolled forward, their eyes are cast down a little and their voice has an air of nervousness or resignation.

Their posture is showing the stress they feel and it’s almost as if they have failed before they start. If a client comes to see me like this then we have to do some work to shift these feeling first.

I can even hear this in a phone conversation; the voice gives so much away. But of course not everyone is like this, some had a determined voice and posture, they are ready to quit and they will succeed.

So the message is simple. Even if you feel nervous about quitting, even if you have failed before, just put that to the side and stand up straight, take a couple of deep breaths, and preferably look in a mirror and boldly state your intention to quit. Hold this posture for at least 2 minutes.

You will feel better about your decision very quickly. If you need to do this a few times a day prior to your hypnosis session then so be it. It can also be achieved by just standing or walking in a purposeful manner.

Not only will this help you to quit, the flow on effect will be felt in all areas of your life where you feel ba bit unsure or under pressure.

By maintaining your posture you also signal the world around you that you are confident and perhaps the right person for the job, or task at hand. If you watch leaders they just do this automatically, and so can you with just a little practice.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

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Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.