Quit Smoking…How Would You Like Your Body To Work?

Hi Future Non Smoker

The human body is very complex and it allows us to do amazing things, so it would seem only natural to look after the very thing that carries us through life.

Strangely enough most people either don’t think about it or just don’t care. It doesn’t make any sense unless you consider the time factor.

If you place your hand on a hot plate then you will either move it or get burned. Either way you will get immediate feedback.

But when you started smoking, sure it tasted awful and you probably coughed, but apart from smelling like an ashtray there were no serious immediate consequences.

Soon you stopped coughing, you got used to the taste and even got to like it, plus you got used to smelling like a bar in the morning.

But there was something happening behind the scene. Tiny changes that could barely be measured and the very mildest of effects creeping into your body.

So subtle that you didn’t notice it at all for maybe a few years. Maybe one day you noticed your lack of breath and you put it down to not being fit enough.

Perhaps you noticed getting more colds than you used to, or having a morning cough that didn’t seem to be there just a few months ago.

Needless to say the longer you smoke the more changes will occur, and bit by bit your life changes, bit by bit you give up the quality of your life a fraction at a time.

You may deny this! You may claim that cigarettes aren’t affecting you. I have heard this countless times from clients who are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that fact that they are not super human, that they don’t have some super protective force field which offers protection.

The thing is that you have no idea what your body would be like if you had never smoked. You can’t go back in time but you can quit smoking, and give your body a chance of healing.

Quit smoking hypnosis gives you an excellent chance to stop cigarettes and bit by bit you can repair your body.

In a week you will be breathing easier, in 12 weeks you will have turned over all new cells in your body and in two years will have recovered most of your health. Of course the sooner you take action the sooner you will begin to benefit.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $225

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.