Quit Smoking…I Wonder What Your Brain Thinks About It

Hi Future Non Smoker

So you light up a cigarettes, perhaps you are relaxing with a wine or a beer at the end of the day, or maybe you are stressed and stepping out of your workplace in to a grimy alley which is designated as a smoking place.

The smoke enters your lungs, then your heart and quickly into your blood stream. The whole reason you lit up is to feel good, but the only way you can feel good is to pump about 200 of the 4000 toxic chemicals now circulating in your blood stream into your brain.

Why 200, well you have a thing called the blood brain barrier, and as a smoker it is just plain good luck that only 200 can make its way into your brain as you smoke. If the whole 4000 could get there your brain would be fried. The other 3800 just go on to fry other parts of your body.

If you injure your arm it will hurt, but if you injure your brain you may get a headache, but this will only happen if there is a blow or physical injury. Other insults to your brain like tumours or smoking do not cause pain usually.

That is why brain surgery can be done with the patient wide awake. But toxic chemicals in the brain like smoking or pollution tends to affect your thinking slowly. If I was tempted to be harsh then I would say that smoking will make you progressively more stupid, but I won’t because that would be unkind.

But I will say that pumping toxins from cigarettes every day is destroying brain cells, and sure you have millions of them, but you have smoked many many cigarettes. The question is, how many are you prepared to risk?

How many IQ points are you willing to give up so that you can continue to suck in a drug which offers you absolutely nothing?

It doesn’t relax it causes stress.

It doesn’t look good; you are slowly becoming an outcast.

It doesn’t match with alcohol or food, it only ruins the taste of the food and drink.

It gives nothing, but takes your cash. It makes you smell like an ashtray, ruins your teeth, and worst of all puts a big red cancer target on your back, or more correctly on your lungs and throat. Maybe, just maybe, there is a better way to live.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

For your Free online 30 day Energy & Wellness Challenge click here roadmaptovibranthealth.com

Ian Newton


About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.