Quit Smoking…Just Like Ripping Off A Band Aid


quit smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker

Remember removing a band aid from your knee or from your child, if you carefully lift the edge and gradually ease it off, it takes much longer and draws out the pain.

But if you bite the bullet and just rip it off the pain is short and sharp, but goes just as quickly. Quitting smoking is best done the same way.

Trying patches or pharmaceuticals is a slow pull on the band aid, and cold turkey is like a big plaster patch being slowly ripped off a hairy leg.

But hypnosis is a fast yank on the band aid, which usually results in far less pain than was anticipated. No tears, no screaming just the relief of being free from smoking. But like any wound it might be a bit tender for a few days so some care needs to be taken.

In this case the care is avoiding heavy drinking with smoking friends and definitely not, no easing off the habit having any cigarettes in your home.

The wound analogy continues because smoking is like having a graze on your arm which you scratch at and it gets worse and worse, and it doesn’t stand any chance of healing until you completely stop any contact with it, and you will ramp up the number you smoke very quickly.
When a person cuts back from 30 a day to 15 all they do is cut out the smokes which are incidental. All the key smokes are left in. So to if you then cut down to 5, you are left with the five key smokes of the day.

Soon you will find yourself planning your day around these few cigarettes, and all the unconscious drivers are being kept alive, just waiting for a moment of stress or too many beers and you will be back up to 20 or thirty before you know it.

I know that quitting smoking isn’t as simple as ripping off a band aid, but the principle is the same especially if you use specialised hypnosis. You will be assisted and supported through a simple yet effective process, leaving you feeling confident and free from smoking.

By reading this my hope is that you will put aside any beliefs that quitting is difficult or impossible for you. And start to think that you can do it, that there is a way for you to end your dependence on cigarettes.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, Sought Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.