Quit Smoking…Just Stepping Out for some Fresh Nicotine Filled Smoke.

quit smoking

Hi future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking…Just Stepping Out for some Fresh Nicotine Filled Smoke.

It’s commonly heard that someone steps outside for some fresh air, or a smoker says, just stepping out for a smoke, but have you ever said what you were really doing?

Just stepping outside for some nicotine filled smoke, and while I’m there I’ll suck in 200 chemicals which cross into my brain and the whole 2000 chemicals which head for my liver. At this point I might even imagine I can think more clearly, although it’s hard to know with such chaos occurring in my grey cells.

At the same time my long suffering bronchioles will gasp as they try to pass this dense fog from my lungs into my blood stream.

As I’m really getting into relaxation mode my heart is now trying to pump this oxygen deprived sludge through my arteries and then force its way back to my heart via my suffering veins.

As I let out a long satisfied plume of smoke my entire body and brain has just been traumatised and the thought that the cigarette break has come to an end is a huge relief for every cell in my body.

Of course you don’t have these thoughts, it would be way to scary and would completely wreck your much earned break, it could even lead you to thinking about quitting smoking.

You mightn’t like these words but unfortunately everything is true, it’s all happening every time you light up a cigarette. You can deny it, you can avoid thinking about it, but it is still happening, there is no way to avoid it, except to quit.

You will know you are ready to quit when the negatives out weight any perceived benefits of smoking, when you light up and you wish you didn’t and when you wish you didn’t need to smoke.

When the time is right then hypnosis is by far the most successful way to quit. When done by a practitioner who specialises in quitting smoking you will have an excellent chance of stopping cigarettes in under 90 minutes.

To most smokers it doesn’t seem possible that a habit they have struggled with often for decades can be eliminated in such a short time.

The advantage the hypnosis has is that you can access that part of your brain which is involved with memories and habits in a waking state and you can go straight to the heart of the matter. I say you, because you cant be forced to change and your practitioner guides you through the process.


To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.