Quit Smoking…Managing The Boredom Factor

quit smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking…Managing The Boredom Factor

When quit smoking clients come to see me, on their intake form I would estimate that 70% plus tick the box that boredom is a trigger for their smoking.

If this is a problem for you then there are four important things to consider.

  1. Boredom doesn’t cause a nicotine deficiency. So you can take comfort knowing that smoking is just a time gap filler and nothing to do with addiction.


  1. Everyone has time when they get bored. But non-smokers just find a different way to fill in time. Not all of these are healthy of course, such as snacking. Initially you will notice a gap during times of boredom, but you will find other things to do.


Over eating after quitting can be a problem and using food to manage boredom is a common reason for people putting on weight.

Think back to any previous times you have quit, you will realise that you managed your boredom just fine. These days the smart phone seems to be the most popular time filler, for better or worse.

  1. Boredom is a kind of stress. If you truly have absolutely nothing to do then perhaps quitting is a perfect opportunity to read or learn or discover new information or learn a new skill. While it annoys me to see people glued eyes down to their phones, these devices do allow access to a vast amount of information.

Acknowledging boredom as a stress is another chance to manage that stress, especially for someone who has just quit smoking. Deep breathing, awareness meditation or just noticing your environment can all be relaxing.

  1. Boredom can be an excuse to procrastinate. How many times has a child complained of being bored, and the adult replies that they could tidy their room or do their homework. It’s obviously not the answer they are looking for, but as adults just notice if there is something you should be doing and claiming boredom as an excuse for not getting their tasks done.

To avoid this boredom trap which could lead to smoking again or overeating it is best to plan in advance of quitting. Don’t wait until you quit and then be surprised that you have nothing to do at times, don’t complain when this problem arises, get organised and plan in advance.

So that after your quit smoking hypnosis session you will be ready to face this issue, and have a solution which won’t place you under stress.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Buderim on the Sunshine Coast, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.