Quit Smoking…One Lonely Cigarette Packet

Hi Future Non Smoker

While out walking recently I saw a crushed empty cigarette packet which had been tossed on the ground. I guess this says a few things about the owner. They see littering as OK, good thing is that most smokers don’t agree with them.

But the isolation of this packet seemed to reflect the growing isolation that many smokers experience. Sure I occasionally see people smoking in a group but this is usually around a bin in an alley in the inner city, most are on their own with their cigarette and a cloud of smoke.

You may not like this but most people don’t look at you as an unfortunate person with an addiction, they look on with disgust and will steer their children away from your toxic plume.

Am I pushing some buttons yet? I’m in the business of helping people save themselves not being nice about your difficulties. You need someone to help dump your habit not to pat your hand and say there there it’s Ok.

You need someone to help you confront the realities of you continuing smoking and not to support your lame excuses.

I’ve lost count of the smokers saying that we all have to die of something. Well I can tell you that after spending the last six weeks visiting a cancer ward most days that there are easy ways to die and there are hard painful ways, and cancer is very hard and very painful.

You may still enjoy smoking, and you are sick of people telling you what to do, but if you take a long hard look at your life and decide to continue smoking then that is your business, but if you decide that it’s time to quit then help is available.

Stop smoking hypnosis is the most successful way to give up cigarettes for life. Sure your life will change, there will be many times where you feel different because you aren’t smoking, but you will also notice other things.

Like being able to breathe easier, having more cash in your pocket, more energy, sleeping better and not smelling like an ashtray, plus never having to be the lone smoker. Standing near a bin outside a restaurant.

There may be moments when you see someone light up that you miss your old friend but mostly you will feel relieved that you have been freed from the deadly habit of smoking with hypnosis.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim On the Sunshine Coast Or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.