Quit Smoking…Put First Things First

decide to quit smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit smoking…Put first Things First

Steven R Covey in his well-known book the 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People states discusses in habit number 5 to put first things first.

He asks the reader to write down one thing that they know they should be doing that would make a big difference to their life, that they are not yet doing.

As a smoker what is one important thing that you will be doing as a non-smoker that your aren’t doing as a smoker.

Maybe exercising, or spending more time with your partner or your children. Perhaps it’s affording a holiday with the money you currently spend on cigarettes.

Or never having to worry about whether your hair or clothes smell like smoke. It could be actively seeking a relationship or traveling more without worrying about when you can get your next cigarette.

These are all big picture obvious changes, but maybe you have something personal and special just to you that you are not doing now because as a smoker it’s not possible, or practical or it seems too much at odds with your smoking habit.

One young lady I saw really wanted to become a yoga teacher but she felt that as a smoker she was being a hypocrite teaching people about wellbeing while secretly smoking.

I’m sure you already know that these things you are not doing are creating gaps in your life and feelings of loss and stress.

So how many areas of your life are being impacted by smoking, how many things that you want aren’t happening right now in your life because of cigarettes.

What price are you paying in loss of quality of life? And how important is this to you. So with regard to putting first things first, how about putting you before cigarettes. Because up until now that hasn’t been happening.

You construct your life around smoking, the dreaded smoke comes before a pleasant night out with friends or a partner. You leave the table of lively or romantic conversation to go outside and smoke, meanwhile the person or people left at the table wonder why they are being placed second to a rotten pack of cigarettes.

They mightn’t say anything but they are thinking it and you will pay a price. If you are ready to put your life before smoking then hypnosis is your best solution, being fast effective and completely safe. Then get on with your life.

Hi Future Non Smoker

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, Sought Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

Or Click Here To Quit Smoking Cigarettes Online

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.