Quit Smoking…Smoking Is The Old Sugar

quit smoking

Hi future Non Smoker

In recent weeks I’ve heard it said that sugar is the new smoking and also that sitting for long periods is the new smoking. All of this is meant to scare people into more activity while avoiding sweets.

But the reality for you is that smoking is the new smoking. It’s the number one problem in your life and all this other advice is of little importance to you if you don’t quit smoking.

The latest figures from china are that one million people a year will die from smoking, and they are just waking up to the real impact of cigarettes on their population. Meanwhile in Australia the government keep making more rules prohibiting smokers from public places and raising taxes.

All the while running television ads talking about how hard it is for your brain to quit the nicotine habit. The rules just make smokers angry and the ads convince many that they will never quit.

I’m sure the government advertisers have never smoked a cigarette in their life. Now the latest plan by the opposition government is to increase cigarettes to $40 a packet. In one breath they say it will reduce smoking, in the next breath they say they will raise an extra massive amounts in extra tax.

So which is it, if they are already counting the extra tax dollars they are assuming that it will have little effect on smokers habits.

My advice to you is to forget about governments, and taxes, and advertisements and statistics and focus one just one thing, you and your life.

At the end of the day it’s all about you, cigarettes are bought with your money and it’s you who has to live in your body and with the consequences of your habit and your choices.

It’s you who will have to look in the eyes of loved ones as they watch you suffer, but the good news is that it is you who will decide to quit, and you who can pick up the phone and book your quit smoking hypnosis session.

It will take you total commitment and the skill of your hypnotherapist, but it’s highly likely that you will quit smoking forever. Can you imagine what a relief this will be, all of those smoking problems will no longer be something you ever have to think about.

It just leaves sugar and sitting down, but one thing at a time.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, Sought Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.