Quit Smoking…Smoothing Off The Rough Edges

quitting smoking

Hi Future Non Smoker

For many people quitting smoking is a kind of rough spiky experience but there is a way to smooth off the rough edges.

In a previous life over 25 years ago I was a builder so I was thinking about the difference between running your fingers over a rough piece of timber and a nicely sanded piece. In life there are always easier or harder ways of doing things so why not make quitting as smooth as possible.

If you are still smoking you know that cold turkey quitting is anything but a smooth process.

If you have been down the route of a common pharmaceutical, and not succeeded then that process can be anything but smooth.

The same can be said for nicotine replacement, especially if you had the vivid nightmares and headaches and little else.

So it brings us back to quitting smoothly which means with as little stress as possible and as quickly as possible.

Hypnosis is the best possible way forward. Here are a few steps which are all easy and stress free.

  1. Watch a couple of videos online to properly inform you about smoking and quitting.
  2. Complete a simple questionnaire to identify all your triggers and smoking behaviours.
  3. Have a friendly chat about your questionnaire and the videos when you come in for your session.
  4. Sit back and relax and enjoy your hypnosis session. Many people report it is the most relaxed they have ever been.
  5. Follow through on any homework you are given. The benefits of this homework is that it flows over into every area of your life helping you to feel less stressed and more relaxed, which of course makes everything go more smoothly.

With hypnosis your transition from smoker to non-smoker requires only your desire to quit and your commitment to yourself. The rest of the process works perfectly when you just allow it to happen and of course expect a positive outcome.

The hypnotic experience differs from person to person, there is no universal feeling. Some feel a very deep almost detached feeling but for most it is lighter with periods of drifting away with the words.

Your practitioner will combine the information from your questionnaire with any other details you give them and weave this into the relaxing hypnotic process which is designed to speak to your unconscious in a way that the new thoughts are immediately up taken. All in all, a very smooth process.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Budurim on the Sunshine Coast, for just $150 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.