Quit Smoking…The 12 Non Essentials

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quit Smoking…The 12 Non Essentials

When most people think about quitting smoking their thoughts turn to just stopping a cigarette in their mouth, but in my years of practice as a quit smoking specialist I have discovered there are a series of non essential things you can do to make the process smoother and to last much longer.

Each of these actions by themselves helps just a little but in combination they have a powerful effect.

  1. Total commitment. Anything less is a complete waste of time.
  2. Think of you quitting in positive terms, as Yoda says don’t try, do. Think only in having successfully quit.
  3. Follow all instructions from your hypnosis practitioner.
  4. Do your homework. You will be given things to do such as listen to a CD or do specific exercises.
  5. Follow any stress management advice, if you are not given any then research this before your session. Everyone on the planet needs a stress management plan.
  6. Drink extra water, hydration is very important, plus the action of raising a water bottle to your lips will give your hands something to do.
  7. Get enough sleep. In this age sleep is greatly undervalued, we need it to rebuild and recover
  8. Increase your activity, whether it be walking or more active exercise your body needs it.
  9. Eat plenty of vegetables especially greens. These will help your body build up your micronutrient levels which have been stripped by smoking, plus aid your liver to de-tox the toxins from your body.
  10. Deep breathing to rehabilitate your lungs and to drive oxygen through your arteries and to reduce stress.
  11. Congratulate yourself frequently for having quit and remember all the powerful reasons you had for quitting.
  12. Notice how much more cash you have each week and set a target to save for.

None of these 12 steps are difficult or special in isolation, but in combination can easily be the difference between success and failure.

So just ask yourself, do you want to quit or not? Perhaps right now would be a good time to 100% honest with yourself If not then don’t waste time now, but if you do want to quit then why you wouldn’t do everything in your power to succeed.

So what if you are sitting on the fence, you know you should quit, but you like smoking, so ask yourself what kind of future do you want, if you tip to quitting, then jump in totally, book your session and do all of the 12 non essentials and you will quit.

And guess what, you may occasionally think about smoking but most of the time you won’t even miss it.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.