The Most Important Part Of Your Quit Smoking Programme.

Hi Future Non Smoker

I am a therapist and I use hypnosis to help clients quit smoking. So you would expect me to say that the most important part of your quit programme would be your hypnosis session.

Maybe it would be the hypnotic induction, or the secret hypnosis words used. Perhaps it’s the homework that you are given to keep you on track.

Of course every part is important but there is one more part that I would argue is even more important than the others. It is the phone call you make to speak to your hypnosis practitioner about making an appointment for you to quit.

In many cases that phone call is just an appointment booking for a client or a sales opportunity for the practitioner. But it is an opportunity for so much more.

It’s a chance to discuss your concerns with an interested stranger. To get you thinking about deeper reasons for quitting, than the usual health and family, which is fine but not nearly specific or powerful enough to motivate you to quit smoking.

Your practitioner can dig into your health status, looking for all the ways that cigarettes are affecting your life and that of your loved ones. The point isn’t to make you feel bad, but to help motivate you to take the final step to fully commit to quitting.

Sometimes the conversation takes an unexpected turn, occasionally I tell people not to book their appointment when they call, and this is for two specific reasons.

  1. The person isn’t quitting for themselves. they are giving in to pressure from friends, family, partner etc. Quitting is a business which needs commitment, and the hypnosis will fail, if they are just trying to please someone else.
  2. The person is not committed to themselves, they know it’s a good idea to quit, they know they should quit and they may even know about all the health problems, but still they are not ready to quit.

In such situations it’s wrong to coerce a person into a quit session, which will fail and spoil their future experiences with hypnosis. Plus if this was you, I’m sure you would appreciate the honesty.

I would encourage you ensure you have that conversation with your practitioner, and if they won’t spend a few minutes with you look elsewhere, because your health is too important to entrust to someone you don’t feel will do there best for you.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

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Ian Newton




About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.