Quit Smoking…The Road Ahead

Hi Future Non Smoker

One of the reason many people struggle to quit or endlessly delay the moment is because they can’t see the road ahead or they are looking down the wrong road altogether.

The wrong road has only the imagined problems along the way. Suffering with cravings, even though at worst they are short lived. What about not being able to relax, and having your stress run out of control without nicotine,  or having to breathe all of that fresh air,  perhaps your concern is having a spare hand wandering around, and not knowing what to do with it.

Or maybe you are concerned about the government not collecting enough tax, or the cigarette companies suffering without your help. Is that you will be so bored that you will resort to filling your blood with toxic chemicals so that you won’t have to find another way to occupy five minutes.

Possibly you are using cigarettes to lose weight, by attacking your liver with toxins, the very organ which breaks down fat! Or are you afraid that you won’t be able to drive or answer a phone if you quit.

Much of this sounds completely ridiculous, but every day in my clinic I hear smokers tell me about stress, boredom, relaxing, etc and from their chair it all sounds plausible, as a clinical hypnotist I just make notes to use in our session, but from the position of a non-smoker most of it sounds just plain silly.

As a smoker you could look down the wrong road, but you will struggle to quit, but on the other hand you turn around and look down the road of a non-smoker, then you will see the way ahead and instead of seeing problems, you will realise that hundreds of thousands of people quit successfully every year.

That using hypnosis will allow you to bi-pass your fears, and allow you to tell the cigarette companies to shove their death dealing products, and you can begin the job of reclaiming your health so that you can breathe again and have the energy to live and the extra cash to enjoy it.

Your future will be one of friends and family, and I don’t mean them gathered around your sick bed looking sad and weeping over a life lost to smoking.

It will be you living, enjoying, breathing and inspiring others to follow your fine example, and soon smoking will recede into your past like an aging hairline.

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

For your Free online 30 day Energy & Wellness Challenge click here roadmaptovibranthealth.com

Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.