Quit Smoking…What Are You Going To Be When You Give Up

quit smoking

Hi future Non Smoker

I saw this on a Tee shirt recently a bit of a spin on what will you do when you grow up. But have you actually thought about how your life will be when you quit smoking.

Most smokers focus on the cost and their health problems and of course how they are going to quit cigarettes. This focus grows with each attempt and soon failure becomes an expectation.

So what happens next time to try to quit, of course you doubt you can succeed and throw in the towel at the first hurdle.

So what if you just put your past behind you and do a little mental time traveling. Imagine you have quit smoking successfully and that you are breathing much easier.

See the important people in your life cheering for you and feeling happy and relieved that you quit.

Perhaps you notice much more cash in your purse or wallet or buying yourself something special as a reward for quitting, could be a holiday or something fun for the family.

Or you may just see yourself as a healthy person free from the risks of smoking, even sitting in your favourite restaurant or café, enjoying yourself and noticing the smokers standing outside in the heat, and feeling good about that.

The benefits of quitting are many and the problems of smoking are many, so it it’s not hard to see which side to be on.

You can quit successfully as countless others have done. First fully commit to yourself and your future, decide and believe you will quit as if there were no other possible option and then choose hypnosis as the means to do it.

Be sure to follow all the advice you are given and follow through with any recommendations from your practitioner.

There should be advice about stress management, so that you have a way to deal with problems and anxiety without smoking, and nutritional advice to assist with the physical transformation your body goes through as it releases toxins from your liver and fatty tissue.

Also you should have a support CD to listen to occasionally to remind you why you quit. This is important because many people go back to smoking in a moment of weakness, often around friends who smoke, because they forgot all the reasons they wanted to quit in the first place.

Having a periodic reminder is a perfect way to keep these reasons fresh in your mind, so that in a tricky situation you stop and consider your options carefully and make the right decision for you.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.