Quitting Smoking…Across The Road

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Hi Future Non Smoker


From my balcony in South Bank in Brisbane I can see the park opposite the row of popular restaurants. A common sight is to see someone standing by a bin smoking, and looking back across the road at their friends or family who are in one of the restaurants.

The thing that struck me is that there are never a group of people smoking in the park, but always just one person.

In many respects smoking is becoming an increasingly isolated activity. The person doesn’t look like they are having fun as they smoke their cigarette as quickly as possible and stubs it out into the bin.

So while some sit eating, drinking and chatting in the restaurants, others stand by themselves by the bin.

When I see someone doing this I can’t help wonder what they are thinking and feeling, perhaps it’s “Wow this is great standing by the bin smoking while my friends are sipping cold beers in the restaurant” Or perhaps not.

Maybe you could use these isolating moments to think about quitting, ask yourself, why on earth am I standing here by myself, wasting my time and sucking toxic smoke into my lungs, hoping that some of these poisonous chemicals will find their way to your brain, and maybe you will feel a bit better for a little while.

But my question is, is the brief moment of nicotine high as good as sharing food and drinks with friends. From my vantage point it doesn’t look that way.

You may not want to live this way and the good news is you don’t have to. No more standing by the bins, no more outside on a cold night and no more returning to the table in a nice restaurant smelling like an ashtray.

The solution is hypnosis, not taking some mind bending pharmaceutical or sticking patches with insecticide on your body. That’s right nicotine is used as an insecticide because of its high level of toxicity.

Just a pin head of this powerful chemical which is the amount in an average cigar, if injected into your blood stream would kill you in minutes. But enough of the scary stuff. Most smokers have had enough of the fear campaigns.

That why hypnosis is so popular, gentle, safe, no side effects and most importantly it works extremely well. So well that years ago I did my first session reading from a script, and I did a lousy job, but guess what, it worked. And it will work for you.

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.