Quitting Smoking…Getting Past The Bouncers

quit smoking hypnosis

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quitting Smoking…Getting Past The Bouncers.

Many people ask me how hypnosis works for quitting smoking and why it doesn’t work for 100% of people.

The 100% question is easy, there is no treatment or remedy in the world that works for 100% of people, because there is always the variable human response to intervention.

As to how it works. Imagine you are standing in a queue for a top night club, outside you have made a decision to go in and have a great night, but you have to get past the bouncers first. This outside area is like your conscious mind, just because you want to go in doesn’t mean anything.

You could approach the bouncers dressed appropriately and with a friendly manner. Or you could rock up in an old T shirt and no shoes, and demand entry.

The bouncers are the critical faculty which is the gate keeper between your conscious and unconscious. They have to offer entry for hypnosis to occur.

The T shirt approach is like coming to a hypnosis session doubting it will work or challenging your hypnotherapist to fix you. This could make passing the critical faculty difficult and you may not drop into hypnosis

The friendly well-dressed approach is like coming to your session with commitment and expectation of success. This will allow the critical facility to allow hypnosis to occur.

Let’s say you have been granted entry by the big bouncers and you are inside. You can now take a couple of different approaches.

You could stand in the corner and be annoyed by the loud music and be convinced that no one will dance with you, and at the end of the night have a host of excuses for why you had a bad night.

Or you could order a long cool drink put a smile on your face and go boldly onto the dance floor and have a fabulous night.

The point of all this is that you have to bring the right attitude to the hypnosis party. It’s OK to be a bit anxious but if you seriously doubt you can be helped then maybe it’s not the right time for you.

Hypnosis is a working process between two people, you the one who wants change to occur and your hypnotist who knows how to help you do it.

You can quit smoking, but don’t forget the bouncers work for you, sometimes you have to pull them into line and remember who is in charge.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.