Quitting smoking…It’s Not as Bad As You Think


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Hi Future Non Smoker

Quitting smoking…It’s Not as Bad As You Think

A saying I heard recently states the in life nothing is as bad as you think and nothing is as good as you think.

In our minds we tend to make things, ideas and changes take on a bigger importance for better or worse than the situation warrants.

The reality is that when you quit you will feel good. Your breathing will improve and quickly you will have more energy. But there won’t be fireworks or parades, you will even forget what it felt like to be a smoker and if it wasn’t for the fact that you will still see smokers, you would completely forget that you ever smoked.

The opposite is also true. Quitting is not as bad as you may think. In fact it’s not nearly anywhere as bad as you may think.

The problem is if you have listened to other smokers who have struggled going cold turkey, or plastered their shoulders with nicotine patches or chewed bitter gum then you have certainly have heard some sad tales.

If you have watched government sponsored quit smoking ads which re-enforce how hard it is to quit then you have a deeply engrained fear of quitting.

All of this plus the stories from smokers who didn’t really want to quit and blamed their failure on the difficulty have just made it all the more difficult for you.

The first thing to do just put aside all your past efforts and all the stories you have heard. Instead focus on a simple fact. Every year worldwide millions of people quit smoking and if they can do it, then you can do it.

Of course some of them did it easier than others. Some battled themselves and succeeded, and some choose the path of hypnosis, which led them much more easily into the life of a non-smoker.

So in reality it won’t be as good as you think, and it won’t be as bad as you think, but using hypnosis will make the way as smooth as possible.

For many they will quit very easily, almost as if they never smoked in their lives. Some will have some mild discomfort and will easily shake it off, a bit like a an annoying toothache.

For a few unfortunately it will be more like having a tooth pulled, they will struggle for a while but like having a rotten tooth pulled, soon the pain dulls and then it heals and you feel so much better for the experience.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on

1300 203 422 in Australia.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.