Quitting Smoking…Making The Tough Decisions

 quit smoking decisionsHi Future Non smoker

Quitting Smoking…Making The Tough Decisions

At any time a high percentage of smokers would like to quit, but only a small number actually take action. You may be wanting to rid yourself of cigarettes, but are avoiding setting a quit date for a whole lot of different reasons.

For some there is a belief that those who quit had more willpower, or strength or for some reason it was easy for them.

But the real story is that many of them didn’t want to quit, but they knew they just had to, or they were anxious of being without their smokes and stopped anyway.

The reality is that few smokers just make a simple decision and then leave smoking behind for good. In fact most people who have quit successfully were just like you. Maybe putting it off, perhaps shifting their quit date until the time is right or avoiding any conversations around the issue.

I read that successful people simply do the things that unsuccessful people don’t do. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a half smoker, you either smoke or you don’t. Those people who have quit smoking are in no way any better than you are, they have simply done what you haven’t managed to do yet!

We make a lot of tough decisions in life, but it is often easier to just bite the bullet and decide. Procrastination never makes it easier and usually just prolongs the pain of deciding. In most cases deciding and acting come as a relief.

The pressure is off, the what ifs, are no longing problems, and you can plan beyond that decision into your future, which starts the second you quit!

In this case you can plan to use the extra cash you will have every week.

You can plan to live a longer and healthier life.

You can breathe more easily without coughing.

You won’t have others who care about you nagging you to quit, or strangers judging you in public.

No more smelling like a ashtray, or desperately trying to hide any smoke smell so others won’t know your secret.

You know all the problems of smoking, health wise, social and financial, so you know exactly what making this decision and joining the band of people who have quit smoking, will mean in your life. So go ahead, decide and act, then just choose the best way to quit, which is proven to be hypnosis.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane or Budurim on the Sunshine Coast, for just $150 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.