Quitting Smoking…Organic food, Yoga And Smoking… What!

quit smoking

Quitting Smoking…Organic food, Yoga And Smoking… What!

Hi Future Non Smoker

Over the years all kinds of people have come to see me to quit smoking, but one group always intrigues me.

Typically they are young women in their twenties or early thirties, they eat a very healthy diet, often organic, they do yoga, or Zumba, Aerobics or some other active movement exercise, and commonly they hide their smoking from friends and class mates.

But the number one thing they all have in common is a strong sense of guilt.

Guilty because they smoke in spite of living an otherwise very healthy life.

Guilty because they hide this secret from many people in their lives, and maintaining this secret is difficult and stressful.

Guilty because they have to lie to sneak their cigarettes without being discovered.

And guilty because their smoking is so at odds with the rest of their lives and guilty because often they feel so stupid because they keep doing it.

All in all they feel very stressed because they smoke. Add the actual stress of smoking on their body and most of the benefits of their other healthy activities are depleted.

Some do enjoy a kind of guilty pleasure in doing something so harmful then drinking a green smoothie and rolling out the yoga mat. It’s like flying the flag for healthy living then thumbing your nose at it!

More conflict and more confusion. The only plus is that this group are generally in a good position to recover quickly owing to their otherwise healthy habits and that they don’t have to be encouraged to take good care of themselves.

So what is your conflict? What parts of your life don’t fit with smoking? Work? Partner? Children? Finances?

Use this conflict to spur you on to deciding to quit and then choose hypnosis to make it happen, why because by now you have already worked out that nicotine replacement and drug therapies don’t work for the majority of smokers.

And hypnosis isn’t about nicotine its about all those cigarettes you have when you already have plenty of nicotine in your system. Like with coffee or beer or driving or on the phone or after sex. That’s right sex doesn’t cause your nicotine levels to suddenly fall.

Hypnosis simply guides you to write a new future history for you about smoking, or more correctly about being a non-smoker, so that soon it will be just a memory and you can let go of all the guilt.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on

1300 203 422 in Australia.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.