Quitting Smoking…Rise Like A Phoenix From The Ashtray

quit smoking cigarettes

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quitting Smoking…Rise Like A Phoenix From The Ashtray

Just as the Phoenix from mythology rose from the ashes so can you. In your case imagine it would be like climbing out of a giant stinking ashtray. You stand up brush off the burnt remains of many cigarettes and take your first deep breath in many years.

Each day after quitting you become stronger and healthier just as all the bad things you have heard about smoking are true, so too are all the benefits of quitting. It’s true people who quit do feel so much better. And in some ways quit quickly.

Being better able to transport oxygen immediately gives more energy and endurance. It helps you to think clearer and reduces the stress on your heart when under load. And all of that will happen tomorrow.

But those benefits are just the big obvious things. It’s all the subtle things that you don’t notice that are so important. The changes to your artery walls, your cells becoming more efficient or the ability of your muscles being able to contract and relax better, because of a better supply of magnesium, which isn’t being used in the fight to keep you alive when smoking.

But there is an even more important layer to your phoenix like rising. It’s about how you feel about yourself. Your self image will dramatically be boosted. For no longer you are the odd one out.

It will never be you on the footpath outside the restaurant, or outside the cinema in the drizzling rain, or on the wrong side of the glass door at a social function, or as the quit advertisement on television shows the smoking mother standing opposite the school at child collection time, unable to cross the road and hug her children because it is illegal to smoke near a school.

I would have to say that in all my school drop off and collection years I never saw the sad smoker watching from afar, but I have seen many smokers standing alone in many various social settings.

Another problem you will instantly remove yourself from is social judgement. You may be tough and not care what others think, but their judgements can affect you career and recognition in society.

All in all there are dozens of good reasons to quit smoking cigarettes. You know it I know everyone knows it, so it is really just a case of taking action and reaching out for hypnosis, the single most successful way to quit.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim, South Brisbane or Toowoomba, or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.