Quitting Smoking…The 300 Challenge.

300 quit smoking





Quitting Smoking…The 300 Challenge.

Your challenge is to quit smoking, mine is to help you achieve that, but another challenge has been to communicate about how to quit smoking. When I wrote my first article I found it easy as I had plenty to say.

But after ten articles I thought I had completely exhausted all my thoughts about quitting smoking cigarettes. But I kept on going and now this is my 300th article published on the subject. A reason I could keep going was because as I saw more and more smoking clients I learnt more and more about why people smoke and how to help them quit.

I have remained the number one article publisher in the world for over three years and now no one is even close.

But back to your challenge, and I mean your challenge because one thing I have learnt about helping people is that everyone is unique. Sure you all light up a smoke the same way, and of course many of you have similar patterns in what triggers you.

But every person is different in the small specifics about why they smoke. This is important to remember and explains why most quit methods fail.

Quit smoking drugs are general in nature and most often help very few people but cause problems for most who use them.

Cold turkey has a low success rate because most people struggle with changing habits for even simple things, let alone a deeply ingrained long term habit.

The beauty of hypnosis is that it is usually a one on one process. Sure you can buy CD’s or do online programmes, I have one myself, but I know the results are good but not great, of course they are inexpensive.

In a one to one situation if the practitioner takes the time and makes the effort they can gain insights about the client’s exact situation and needs. Of course after 300 articles I have gained some important insights and am in a position to pick up even very subtle clues about that individual and in doing so learn exactly how to help them to quit.

Quitting is a challenge, but it is one you can rise to and conquer, all you need is a burning desire to quit and the right person to guide you and help you on your journey. Just remember you can do it, you can and will succeed, after all your life may just depend on it.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

PS To achieve your Ideal Weight Click Here

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.