Quitting Smoking…The Mirror Sometimes Lies

quit smoking mirror lies

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quitting Smoking…The Mirror Sometimes Lies

It would be a powerful motivator if everyone who had smoked for more than a few years showed obvious signs in the mirror.

It certainly does for some people especially for slim women around the age of forty. They tend to have a characteristic look around the mouth. Generally a series of deep lines which radiate away from the mouth.

Older smokers tend to have a pale grey appearance which makes them look like the after world is just around the corner.

However most people don’t give any appearance that they are suffering from smoking. The problem is that you would never know what you would have looked like if you had never smoked.

There is a famous study which tracked two women who were twins, one smoked and one didn’t. When I saw the study in a medical magazine they were thirty nine years old.

The difference was obvious. The non-smoker looked like she was in her early thirties. She probably had good genes. But the smoking twin looked in her mid-forties. Standing side by side in the photograph the smoker looked like a much older sister.

The interesting thing was that apart from smoking their lives were quite similar in all other respects.

So the point is that you may look in the mirror and think, not bad for my age but we tend to see what we want to see and ignore the rest. The mirror lies but the body doesn’t. Fortunately you can’t peek inside and what sort of damage isn’t being done.

Unfortunately the damage is real and undeniable. Your cells, your organs, your blood vessels and of course your heart. This is the real picture and the mirror will keep conning you that you look Ok.

The good news is that you have within you the power to help your body bounce back. Hypnosis will set you free and start the healing process for your body.

I can guarantee for sure that in a few months the mirror will like you more. So much money is spent on skin products but the reality is that skin health occurs from the inside out and just plastering cream on the outside has a poor result at best.

If your skin has wrinkles, then your very best weapon is to ensure you are encouraging good circulation to your skin which is full of skin loving oxygen and nutrients, then you can slam some cream on if you like.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.