Quitting Smoking…What Helps You To Make Changes.

know self quit smoking





Hi Future Non Smoker

Quitting Smoking…What Helps You To Make Changes.

Right up front I’m going to say that hypnosis is the best way to quit smoking by far. With that out of the way let’s look at other things you can do to support your hypnosis.

The key here is to understand yourself, your nature and what works for you. First up if you are a moderator you can start cutting down before your session.

But if you are a abstainer cutting down will be hard. It will be all or nothing for you.

Do you set and follow goals easily? Or do you struggle. Do you get things done if you make yourself accountable to others or does it work best if you keep your planes to yourself?

Do you resist change when others make suggestions or do you follow advice?

Are you an early bird or a night owl? An early bird would be best with a late hypnosis appointment so there is a shorter time until bedtime. Night owls don’t have a time advantage.

If you are a procrastinator then set your appointment maybe a couple of weeks in advance, so that it doesn’t feel to immediate. By the time it comes you will have got used to it. Don’t set it too far in the future or you may talk yourself out of it.

An action taker is best to grab the first available appointment.

Make it as easy as possible to keep your appointment. Don’t jamb it in between other appointments that could run over. Make sure your transport is sorted out.

Ensure other smokers in your environment are aware and agree to support you. Don’t book your session on the afternoon prior to a big drinking evening. You need to give yourself some space to properly assimilate the hypnotic change.

Take notice if you are throwing up potential roadblocks, mentally or physically. Give this quitting change the proper focus it deserves. Make it a priority in your life. Make sure your surroundings suit you.

Get rid of any cigarettes and ashtrays. Freshen up your car it will make you feel ill if you get back into it after your session if it sells like a giant ashtray.

It pays to ignore the experiences of others, both good and bad. Take notice of yourself and be aware of what you need to do, then make a plan of attack and follow through. Do this and you will succeed!

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.