Quitting Smoking…What Is Your Commitment To Yourself

Hi Future Non Smokers
Quitting smoking has never been such a top topic. Everyone wants you to do it. The government, television land, pharmaceutical companies, family, doctors, and even total strangers who give you the look as you sully their fresh air from across the street.

You would think that all of this this combined would be enough for you to quit easily, but here is the bad news, twenty family members, your doctor and your dog nagging you won’t make a drop of difference.
It’s you and only you who has to provide the commitment, I guess if you have tried and failed before you may have already discovered this.

So how do you build enough commitment? I have clients turn up who have watched the video and followed all the pre-quit tasks, they are excited and nervous to quit but ready to go.

Others arrive, been too busy to watch the video or didn’t notice the blue link in the email with the message loudly stating don’t come if you don’t do these things.

One guy said he didn’t see the email because his wife looks after all of those things. He was a home visit the television was on and he seemed reluctant to turn it off, his puppy came out during the session, I was thinking that this is a disaster.

But in spite of all this he was successful. A less successful effort was a couple, again a home visit, after the session they both said they had sore necks, in spite of being asked to ensure that they were comfortable. During the session their dog was whining in the back ground,
Again this was a home visit but they weren’t successful, too much discomfort and distraction. As a consequence I have now written a home visit check list.

But it’s up to you if you are quitting from home then make sure you create a good environment to do so. If you are attending a clinic then prepare yourself, do anything that is asked of you in advance.
Don’t stress yourself but do take it seriously, play full out and totally expect to succeed. After all no matter how committed your hypnosis practitioner is, at the end of the session they will go on with their lives but you need to be a non-smoker.

So just bring 100% to the session and your hypnosis practitioner will take care of the rest.

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Hi Future Non Smoker
To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on
1300 203 422 in Australia.
All the best
Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.