Quitting Smoking…When It’s All Too Much

Hi Future Non Smoker

Quitting Smoking…When It’s All Too Much

Sometimes life can be cruel, sometimes tragedy strikes us or misfortune smacks us right in the face. It is more likely at these times that an ex-smoker will start smoking again especially if there are other smokers involved in the problem or are there to give comfort.

If you are reading this it’s more than likely that you have started again, as not many people tend to read my smoking articles just for fun or curiosity.

My question is that when you started again, did it help. When you had that first smoke did it offer a brief moment of peace or a distraction from your pain?

Maybe it did, but did it keep on giving you peace or did it in any way solve your problem.

If there were two people in your situation, and in many cases there are, if the other person wasn’t a smoker did they fare any worse than you did. Did you manage any better than they did?

I will guess the answer is no. In fact on top of all your problems you smoke as well. So you have more to contend with.

The problem is that now, regardless of how your other problems have resolved or not, you have to contend with the effects of smoking. Stress takes its toll on every aspect of your health and wellbeing, but smoking just makes it so much worse.

If your stress hasn’t been resolved you may need to get some assistance. One thing you need to do is to separate out the idea that smoking and your stress are connected. Smoking doesn’t help stress it just causes your adrenals to produce more stress hormones making your problem worse.

Once you are clear that there is no , benefit for you in continuing to smoke, you can make the decision to quit knowing that your stress will not get worse in fact it will be better.

This is an important step to regaining your health which started erode as soon as your major problem occurred. Once you have made one step towards better health you are more likely to take another and another.

By quitting smoking with hypnosis you are breaking a vicious cycle of stress that if not addressed will just eat away at you bit by bit eroding every aspect of your health and your life, smoking is never worth losing those precious things.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or South Bank Brisbane, for just $195 or use my successful online audio programme.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.