Quitting Smoking…When You Have Lots Of Complicating Problems

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Hi Future Non Smokers

Most people when exposed to hypnosis can quickly quit smoking quite easily. But some people have other problems which make quitting far more complicated.

  1. Some are anxious.
  2. Some are depressed.
  3. Some have bi-polar
  4. Some have alcohol or drug issues.
  5. Some have strong stress issues in their lives

Some have combinations of these problems.

If I add all of these people together it makes up a large proportion of all people wanting to stop smoking cigarettes.

Very few people walk into a hypnotherapist’s clinic and say “I feel perfectly good about myself and all I need to do is to quit smoking”.

Most people have some back story running which is to some extent keeping their smoking problem alive and making it harder for them to quit.

Their whole bodies and minds are wired with these problems, so taking the desire away to smoke is not straight forward. What they need is a more comprehensive approach to their problem.

Here are five actions you can take to properly prepare yourself to quit smoking if you have any of the above challenges.

  1. A big part is about self-regulating the way your mind works. It can be simple actions like prolonged deep breathing which can positively affect brain chemicals.
  2. Detox your digestion, because we have lots of lymphatic tissue in the gut and it is here that we manufacture many of the neuro transmitters that we need for proper mental function.
  3. Drink plenty of water to ensure your brain is properly hydrated, which means your mind electrics are doing the best they can.
  4. Ensure your diet is rich in vegetables and fruits and quality meats and grains but low in fatty and sugary junk foods, because these poor foods seriously thinking and decision making.
  5. Regular exercise helps emotional health, so just do it!

OK what you may have noticed is that none of the five actions involve medication or therapists. If you need those things then by all means go for it.

But most people I see with any or some of the above 5 problems aren’t seeing therapists and many aren’t being medicated. But even if you are you can still do the five actions and you will feel so much better and you will be able to quit smoking much easier.

Sure it takes some effort but you know it is worth it and you also know that you don’t have a choice.

To quit smoking the fast easy way just call me for a complementary chat on

1300 203 422 in Australia.

All the best

Ian Newton

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About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.