Smoking Is In Your Genes.

Hi Future Non Smoker

I don’t mean that you are genetically programmed to smoke, although a small percentage of smokers do carry this gene, it usually manifests in chain smoking and smoking the cigarette right down to the butt.

The interesting thing is that most people with this gene don’t smoke.

This article refers to the effect of smoking on your genes. The study of Epigenetics looks at the 70% of gene expression that we can influence by our lifestyle and choices. One study showed that boys who started smoking at 12 would pass on the damaged gene to their children.

This isn’t surprising and you may be thinking that you didn’t start at 12, or that you are not a man. What impressed and concerned me about this study was the ability to pass on the negative effects of smoking to another generation, and also the likelihood that, the offspring would also be a smoker.

We know this isn’t always the case, some people smoke when brought up in a smoking family but fortunately many don’t.

These kinds of studies are rare and expensive, and because no one is going to be able to create a drug as a result, they are hard to fund. This means that the epigenetic effect of smoking is largely unknown.

But you can be certain that if you are a smoker of child bearing or child producing age that you will be passing on some genetic effect to your child. So what happens if the unthinkable occurs and your child is born with a genetic health problem? It may have nothing to do with smoking, but it might!

It doesn’t matter what the truth is, you will most likely feel guilty, and sad, and a whole collection of powerful emotions.

If you are reading this and a problem already exists, then do you best to forgive yourself, and go forward doing the best you can remembering that 70% of genetics is under our control if we make the right lifestyle choices.

If you are considering a family, or even if it’s just a vague desire somewhere in the future, then you can take back control of your genetics. Of course the first thing to do is to quit smoking, that is a no brainer. And the best way to do that is with advanced hypnosis.

Then you start the genetic rebuilding programme which requires good dietary choices and general healthy living..

To quit smoking the fast effective way just call me for a complementary chat on 1300 203 422 in Australia.

You can quit with me at, South Bank Brisbane, Buderim on the Sunshine Coast or Toowoomba.

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Ian Newton

About The Author

Ian Newton

Ian Newton master hypnotist specializes in helping people all over the world to quit smoking.